Data Mapping

As part of a story on the gerrymandering of New Hampshire's state senate districts, this map illustrates which towns have been redistricted any number of times since 1980.

As part of a story on the gerrymandering of New Hampshire's state senate districts, this map illustrates which towns have been redistricted any number of times since 1980.

By using data as a foundation of its journalistic practices, the State of Democracy team is able to use visuals such as charts and infographics to tell more complete stories about policy, budget projections, voter demographics, and key issues surrounding elections and legislation. Data mapping is especially effective when it comes to reporting heated issues surrounded by talking points, as the visualization of data can serve as critical resource for media fact-checkers and news consumers alike.

Story samples:

As New Hampshire Shifts to a Swing State, Why Do Legislative Lines Still Favor Republicans?

Interactive Map: How Would School Funding Changes Affect My District?

Mapping an Epidemic: Where Did Overdose Deaths Happen in N.H. Last Year?

As N.H.'s Opioid Crisis Grows, Primary-Care Doctors Are Slow to Treat Addiction

Can You Lose N.H.'s Republican Towns, and Still Win the Republican Primary? History Says Yes